Catching up with Fiber Artist Naomi Lawrence

Catching up with Fiber Artist Naomi Lawrence

Posted by Cindy on Jun 7th 2022

Fiber Artist Naomi Lawrence

Worldwide Knit in Public Day 2022 is almost here (Saturday, June 11) and we are thrilled that fiber artist Naomi Lawrence is returning to install a new work of art at The Endless Skein!

Recently we asked Naomi some questions about her career as a fiber artist.

How did you get started as a yarnbomber?

I had seen Olek's work and thought it was cool, but then I saw some trees covered and thought I just had to give it a try. The next thing I know, it's International Yarnbombing Day, so I just threw some squares around a lamppost and away I went!!

How do you involve the community in your art?

As I started to decorate my neighborhood, people started to search for me online and sometimes just show up to workshops I was running, asking if they could be involved. I realized the community didn’t just want to enjoy my flowers but wanted to be part of their creation, so I have found different ways to make that happen.

Your Instagram name is NaomiRAG. Tell us about the meaning of “RAG”!

Early in my Yarnbomb story, I met a fellow dog owner by the river in Cambridge, UK. We were talking about my work and he said, “It's like Random Acts of Generosity. . . . RAGs!” and it just stuck.

Flower Yarnbombs

Have there been any surprises along your journey as a fiber artist?

Pieces being stolen always shocks me, and I’ve wept a few times too!! Who knew it could be such an emotional rollercoaster? I think the nicest surprises are the stories people send me, the testimonials. The lady who promised once she was in remission she would have her portrait taken next to my big dahlia. . . . And she did!

What do you see as your biggest challenge?

Finding a balance of doing the projects I love, working with people that bring me life, and finding a healthy way to make a steady reliable income. Also, these days as the twins get older and I want to be submerged in their school and social life, balancing all those things and finding time to crochet.

What’s the most ambitious project you’ve undertaken so far?

The current mural, funded by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) and Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone (UMEZ) will be installed in August 2023 and will be almost 40 feet long. I employ 6 other crochet artists to make smaller sections of the mural. Some I have worked with before, some are new to my team.

Is there a particular place you dream of yarnbombing?

I love to take something with me when I travel or to make something whilst I’m there. I put a small piece in Paris last time I was there in 2019, and I think next time I go I’ll be more ambitious. I LOVE Paris, its my favorite city.

Please tell us about Flowers of Turtle Island!

Flowers of Turtle Island was funded by LMCC and was installed in August 2021. Echinacea, Coneflower, Bloodroot, Aster, Blue Violets, Goldenrod, Cow Parsley, Lady-Slipper Orchids, Black Eyed Susan, and Blazing Star Liatris all grew wild on Turtle Island, the name that the Lenape Indians and indigenous people of North America used to identify the land.

Turtle Island Yarnbomb

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I am so excited to be coming back to Cold Spring. I think it was one of the happiest weeks I had last year. Thank you for the invitation. See you soon.

Be sure to follow Naomi on Instagram @naomirag! Stop by the shop on or after June 11 to see her latest fiber sculpture!