Gno We Are

Gnue is always searching, searching, searching for great new yarns for The Endless Skein. She forages far and wide, occasionally catching a ride on her friend the honey bee, for nutritious and inspirational fibers to share with all.
You can also, at times, find her tending her garden….which is mostly weeds, but she tries. Her people are the Gnostigan clan whom she loves dearly and tries to spend as much time as possible in their company!
Gnarol just loves bright colors. Her soul sings when she is surrounded by them. Her favorites are greens, pinks and purples although anything bright brings her great joy.
She is a voracious reader, loves LONG walks and needs to have time every day to do some knitting. She is also totally content to spend a whole day in the kitchen, cooking for all her family and friends. The kitchen is the heart of her home.
She is a BIG fan of brioche and just loves wearing all her brioche shawls and apparel. You can't see her hair beneath her hat, but she is a huge fan of short, short hair which helps her to show off her dangly earrings!

You'll recognize Gnindy by her unruly curls. Whatever the weather, she wears handknit sweaters, her favorite Shift cowl, and lots of purple.
Gnindy loves to help people with their knitting challenges. When she's not teaching, look for her behind a computer, hopping from key to key to type up The Endless Skein Gnewsletter.
In the wild, Gnindy can be found hiking, paddling, or dancing up a frenzy. Her children keep her very busy, and her knitting habit ensures her hands always have something to do, mostly keeping her out of trouble.
Gnaria Gnelena
Gnaria Gnelena enjoys the simple, natural life. She enjoys knitting and crocheting in natural materials and re-purposing yarn and fabric scraps. Waste not! She is also entirely stuffed of biodegradable and compostable materials, leaving no footprint.
She loves blues and greens and everything stripes. When she is not knitting, she can be found in the garden, gazing at new blooms and contemplating her ferns.

Gnilma is a seemingly quiet and peaceful gnome, enjoying her knitting of Northern European colorwork and gathering flowers for bouquets. She is a bit more slender than in reality, wishful thinking.
Any skein of yarn in the teal/turquoise family is an immediate favorite, although forays in purples and peaches can happen at a moments notice. Patterns are used as a base for knitting before various changes are made. She can be quite mischievous at times. Watch out!
Gnail is a gnome new to knitting. Small in stature as she’s still only working on small projects, but her skills are growing! Colorwork and cables are her favorites so far.
When she’s not knitting, Gnail is playing with yarn and color and big boiling pots in her dye studio.

Gnirgit is an adventurous gnome. She enjoys spending time outdoors and loves walking around botanical gardens or the arboretum. Gnirgit loves to play with color and you can catch her wearing some very colorful hand-knit socks in the winter.